Friday, January 4, 2013

One Year Bible - Day 4

Today's readings are Gen 4, Ps 4, and Mt 3. I will reflect on the first reading.

I have always wondered why God accepted Abel's offering but not Cain's. Regardless it is inexcusable for Cain to have killed Abel. God warns Cain, " If you do well, you can hold up your head; but if not, sin is a demon lurking at the door: his urge is toward you, yet you can be his master" (vs. 7). I believe that God is speaking to me as well. Sin is a demon that desires my submission, but I must be the master. I must not give in to the many temptations that face me each day. And how must I overcome these temptations?

I cannot overcome them on my own. I need God's Grace and Love to set me free. In recent months, I have learned that it is not enough to say no to sin if I do not say yes to something else. For me, that is love. Our desire for sin exists as a result of an emptiness in our heart that can only be filled by love. In our relationship with God and in our relationship with others we come to know this love. When God rejected Cain's offering, Cain thought that God had rejected him. But this was not so. Cain closed himself off from love even for his brother. The hole in Cain's heart was easily filled with sin. Sin became his master.

We need to remember that just as important as loving others is allowing others to love us. When we close ourselves off from love, we allow sin to enter our hearts and dominate us.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, may I be open to receiving love today so that I can learn to love others like You.

Tomorrow's Readings: Gen 5-6:8, Ps 5, Mt 4

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